About Freemasonry
The Origins Of Freemasonry:
Freemasonry has been around since ancient times, but its origins are difficult to accurately trace given its secretive nature. The most commonly accepted explanation is that it first surfaced in England in the early 1700s as an outgrowth of the stonemason guilds from Europe’s Middle Ages; however, there have been connections drawn between the organization and symbols used by medieval knights templar societies as well as Ancient Egyptian rites. The earliest known Masonic text, the Halliwell Manuscript, also known as the Regius Poem, dates back to around 1390. The poem is a copy of an earlier work and describes a tradition of moral lessons and allegorical dramas that were passed down from generation to generation of stonemasons.
The Spread Of Freemasonry:
As knowledge of Masonic Lodges spread throughout Britain, many immigrant Masons brought their use of lodges with them across Europe and America. By 1730 there was a large Masonic presence in France and other parts of Europe. Moreover, it crossed over into America with George Washington becoming one of its prominent members in 1753. The first Grand Lodge was established in Philadelphia in 1734, which eventually became today's National Grand Lodge. The fraternity is organized into local Lodges, which are governed by Grand Lodges. Each Grand Lodge is independent and sovereign, and there is no centralized authority.
Theology And Symbols Of Freemasonry:
Masonic Lodges are steeped in a variety of religious ideologies including Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism and Hinduism just to name a few. Each lodge contains traditional symbols such as the square and compass (which symbolize morality) while rituals involve sacred texts and specific handshakes to maintain restricted membership among initiates into order. Freemasonry is open to men of any race, religion, or creed, and it is not a religion itself but is compatible with all religions. Their membership continues to grow steadily with emphasis placed on education for all members regardless condition or class rank– contrary to what many believed priorly of exclusivity associated with masonic organizations historically based on privilege rankings several hundred years ago.
Modern Masonry: Social Change And Philanthropy:
Today’s Freemasons prioritize social change through service projects and philanthropic efforts around the world. The fraternity has a long history of charitable giving, and many Lodges have their own charitable foundations or are affiliated with national or international charitable organizations. The Masonic charities are supported by the contributions of its members, and the fraternity is one of the largest donors to charity in the world.
Different Freemason Orders:
1. The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons – The Ancient Free and Accepted Masons has been in existence since the early 17th century, when it first became popularized among the stonemasons of England and Scotland. This fraternal organization is part of a larger tradition of Freemasonry, which includes other forms such as Scottish Rite and York Rite Freemasonry. What sets A.F.&A.M apart from other Masonry orders is its emphasis on providing support and guidance to its members in times of difficulty, while at the same time seeking to foster ethical behaviour and moral improvement in those who join its ranks. This branch is considered to be the original form of Freemasonry and there are three degrees; Entered Apprentice, Fellowcraft, and Master Mason.
2. The Ancient Arabic Order of The Nobles Of The Mystic Shrine (A.A.O.N.M.S), better known as Shriners, was established in 1870 when several members of Freemasonry attending a meeting in New York City decided to form a new fraternity with an Eastern flair and Middle-Eastern style secret work graced with colorful costumes and titles. Shriners only allows Master Masons who reach 33rd degree level before becoming eligible for membership; emphasis here lies primarily on philanthropy; aimed towards helping disadvantaged children worldwide. One example would be St Jude's Hospital for children.
3. The York Rite – this branch was developed in England in the 18th century and it's based on religious themes taken directly from the Bible. It consists of 10 degrees that are divided into four main bodies which include the Royal Arch Masonry (Chapter degree), Cryptic Masonry (Council degree) and Knights Templar Order (Commandery degree).
4. The Scottish Rite - is an alternative organization within the larger framework of Masonry. With its origins in medieval Europe, the Scottish Rite provides a deep dedication to ritual and education and has developed over centuries to become one of the best-known Masonic secret societies in today’s society. Here’s a brief history of the Scottish Rite.
The ancient origin of the ritual practice of Masonry, often referred to as "Scottish Rite", dates back to medieval times. According to legend, an assembly was held at Kilwinning Abbey in Scotland sometime during the 1300s with clerics and noblemen from nearby regions joining forces for some sort of common enterprise—likely related to either military or spiritual matters. Whatever their purpose was remains uncertain but it was likely Masonic rituals that were performed during this gathering as many other documents coming out of Scotland at this time mention similar activities taking place throughout Europe and even England itself.
By 1736 there were eight Lodges associated with Scots Masonry across Britain and these groups began developing what would later become known as The Ancient Order Of Scots Masons which provided various symbolic degrees or “rites” meant to enlighten members upon deeper truths within Freemasonry; eventually growing into what we now know today as The Ancient & Accepted Scottish Rite. In 1801 thirty-three “high degrees” were introduced into this order, each bringing specific obligations while fostering a sense of brotherhood within Masonic Societies around the world.
5. Co- Freemasonry – This branch is open to both genders as opposed to other Masonic branches which were only open to men until recently. Its main concern is providing spiritual nourishment through service work through charitable organizations as well as studying moral principles, self-improvement, emotional growth and social skills development via rituals and discussions.
6. Odd Fellows – This American version of friendly society fraternalism dates back hundreds of years where members help each other during times of need such as sickness or bereavement - often providing financial assistance if necessary . It too follows lodge rituals similar to those found in freemason rites; however members here welcome open fellowship with all faiths instead of making references to any particular religion like its Masonic counterparts may do during their ritual ceremonies.
7. The Eastern Star - Is a Masonic order with a long history and deep connection to women in Freemasonry. The group was originally founded in the early 1800s, but it has evolved over the centuries to become an independent and powerful organization of its own. Here’s what you need to know about its long and storied history.
Five men, Robert Morris, John Barney, Rob Morris, Charles Stockwell, and William Denslow created a new Masonic order known as "Adoptive Masonry" under the Grand Lodge of Kentucky. It was designed to bring women into Freemasonry on equal footing with their male counterparts. The rituals for this new organization were based on five select biblical heroes - Jeptha Ruth Esther Nitah Adah – each bearing a valuable moral lesson applicable to every member regardless of gender.